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Discuții și catehism pentru adulți în cadrul Episcopiei
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For those wishing to assist our church financially, donations can be made by e-transfer to petrusipavelkw@gmail.com. Thank you.
Sfintii Apostoli Petru si Pavel sunt sarbatoriti pe 29 iunie, dupa o perioada de post, care variaza ca durata, in functie de data Sfintelor Pasti.
Sfantul Apostol Petru - fiul lui Iona si fratele Apostolului Andrei, s-a nascut in Betsaida Galileei. Numele sau iudeu era Simon, insa Mantuitorul il va numi Chifa (piatra). Dupa o pescuire minunata pe lacul Ghenizaret, este chemat sa devina pescar de oameni. Marturiseste in numele apostolior dumnezeirea lui Hristos, dar se si leapada de Hristos cand El este prins spre a fi rastignit. Dupa Inaltarea Domnului, Petru ia cuvantul in adunarea ucenicilor si aleg ca apostol pe Matia in locul lui Iuda. In ziua Cincizecimii, dupa predica Sfantului Apostol Petru, se boteaza trei mii de persoane.
Sfantul Apostol Petru a propovaduit in Ierusalim, Iudeea, Samaria, Asia Mica pana in Babilon si, in ultima parte a vietii, la Roma. Sfantul Petru a murit rastignit pe cruce, cu capul in jos, in anul 67, pe 29 iunie.
Sfantul Apostol Pavel era originar din Tarsul Ciliciei, din neamul Veniamin. Sfantul Pavel a fost elevul invatatului Gamaliel. Pavel locuia in Tars si lupta impotriva crestinilor. Sfantul Apostol Pavel a participat la uciderea arhidiaconului Stefan. Pe calea Damascului i se arata Hristos intr-o lumina orbitoare si il mustra: "Saule, Saule de ce ma prigonesti?”. Se converteste si primeste botezul de la Anania, episcopul Damascului. Sfantul Apostol Pavel a pornit in trei mari calatorii misionare si a scris 14 epistole care se gasesc in Sfanta Scriptura. A fost decapitat din porunca imparatului Nero, in anul 67.
Deoarece Sfintii Apostoli Petru si Pavel au fost in temnita pentru ca L-au marturisit pe Hristos ca Fiu al lui Dumnezeu, au devenit ocrotitori ai sistemului penitenciar din Romania. Ei sunt ocrotitori ai celor lipsiti de libertate si datorita faptului ca cei ajunsi in penitenciare sunt persoane care au gresit fata de Dumnezeu, precum au gresit si ei: Petru s-a lepadat de Hristos, iar Pavel i-a prigonit pe crestini.
The Holy Apostles Sts. Peter and Paul are commemorated on June 29, after a period of fasting, which varies in duration according to the date of Holy Pascha.
St. Peter the Apostle - son of Jonah and brother of the Apostle Andrew, he was born in Bethsaida of Galilee. His Hebrew name was Simon, however the Saviour would name him Cephas (rock).
After a miraculous catch of fish in the Sea of Galilee, he was called to become a fisher of men. In the name of the apostles, he bore witness to the divinity of Christ, but he also denied
Christ when He was detained, to be crucified. After the Ascension of the Lord, Peter spoke in the assembly of the disciples and they chose Matthias as an apostle in place of Judas. On the
day of Pentecost, after the preaching of St. Peter, three thousand people were baptized.
St. Peter the Apostle preached in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, Asia Minor up to Babylon, and, in the last part of his life, Rome. He died by upside-down crucifixion, in the year 67, on June 29.
St. Paul the Apostle was from Tarsus of Cilicia, from the tribe of Benjamin. St. Paul was a student of the learned Gamaliel. Paul lived in Tarsus and fought against the Christians. He participated in the martyrdom of the archdeacon Stephen. On the road to Damascus, Christ appeared to Him in the form of blinding light and reprimanded him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?". He then converted and received baptism from Ananias, the bishop of Damascus. St. Paul made three great missionary journeys and wrote 14 epistles which are found in Holy Scripture. He was beheaded at the order of Emperor Nero, in the year 67.
As Sts. Peter and Paul were imprisoned for bearing witness to Christ as the Son of God, they became the patrons of the penitentiary system in Romania. They are also the protectors of those deprived of freedom on account of the fact that they arrived in prison as people who sinned before God, just as they did: Peter denied Christ, while Paul persecuted the Christians.